Jean Goujon
Jean Goujon Roland Berger

Search for new Paris head office in a context of area reduction

3 600 m2
Work done

Competition between 2 scenarios organized:stay with reduction of areas and move

Estimation of area needs based on new working modes

Inventory of offers available including buildings not yet on the market

Visits, fit-out test, estimation of tenant works cost, comparative financial simulations

Negotiation of forward lease and management of bank guarantee issues

Preparation of reports for group approval

Negotiation of exit conditions for existing lease (cost of reinstatement and felexibility in leave date)



Added value

Split of one of the most iconic building in Paris CBD, for upper floors and with privatized rooftop

Excellent financial conditions 

Timeliness execution

Key points

3 600 sqm in Jean Goujon building in Paris 8th arrondissement

Jean Goujon
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