41 Ybry - Neuilly sur Seine
41 Ybry - Neuilly sur Seine Sephora

Analysis of new site and stay on site scenarios . Implementation of new site scenario

15 000 m2
Work done

Search for all buildings that may be suitable for the specifications developed.
Visits, fine comparative analysis, and competitive bidding.
Negotiation of the most successful financial and legal conditions.

Added value

Financial conditions obtained: outside the market.
Integration of taker work

Key points

16 000 m² in building 41 Ybry (Neuilly sur Seine)

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41 Ybry - Neuilly sur Seine

"All of Sephora's teams greatly appreciated the assistance of Strategies & Corp. Their listening skills, our understanding of our needs, their very comprehensive database, analyzes and summary reports have allowed us to build relationship of trust as effective as fluid ... Their independence from the donors guaranteed the bases of a negotiation in the best interests of our interests. "Without Strategies & Corp, we would not have held deadlines As big a thank you to the entire team and congratulations to Mme de Rougé for bringing these talents together around our project. "

Olivier Schaeffer – Operations and Strategy DG Sephora

41 Ybry - Neuilly sur Seine
41 Ybry - Neuilly sur Seine
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